Arden Grove Infant

& Nursery School

About Our School

We are a 'learning for all' school which supports children, families and communities in Norwich. 

We recognise that every child and every family is different. That is why we invest time in building relationships with each and every child. We want to understand how they learn, discover their strengths and skills and get to know their unique personality. This enables us to deliver an exciting, engaging and motivating curriculum which fits our individual children.

Our relationship driven approach also builds a secure base between the children and adults in our school. This enhances our ability to effectively support social and emotional development, ensuring that every child feels safe, enjoys relationships and is ready to learn. We understand that behaviour is a form of communication and when we ‘listen’ carefully it helps us to calm and guide, even in a child’s most difficult moments. Our determination to better understand children with attachment and trauma difficulties has enabled us to be open, ready and willing to develop the way we support every child who comes through our school doors. We want every child to:

  • Enjoy learning and be excited to develop new skills.
  • Be confident, motivated, resilient and compassionate.
  • Be able to form trusting and safe relationships with others and make healthy and positive choices as they grow.
  • Value the importance of taking time to understand their own and other people’s feelings, views and values.
  • Show care and respect for themselves, their families, friends and the community they live in.
  • Want to make a positive contribution to the community they live in
  • Be able to adapt to the changes and challenges they will face in our ever-changing world.

As the needs of children have changed, so have we. This has helped us to maintain the long-standing, positive reputation we have within our local and wider community. We pride ourselves on ensuring every child feels valued, safe and secure and we enjoy building
relationships with parents and carers so that they all feel part of our school community. We believe this is what makes Arden Grove a special place where children, families and staff can work, laugh and learn together. 

If you would like to arrange a visit to take a look around our school, then please get in touch. We look forward to welcoming you.