Arden Grove Coronation Day

We were absolutely delighted to celebrate the crowning of King Charles III with our friends and families.
It was a beautiful sunny day, and we had all planned lots to mark this historic occasion. In the morning we found out more about what coronation was. Reception re-enacted what would happen in Westminster Abbey on Saturday morning while Year 2 looked at footage from the last coronation to find out what might be the same or different.
We found out lots about the crown and each class created crowns. We also planted trees to mark this special year.
At lunchtime, we were lucky to have so many parents, grannies, grandad, aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters join us for a royal picnic on the field.
After this we finished our crowns and flags and paraded as a school the flag poles where we sang our coronation day song we had been practising and lifted the union flag while we sang God Save The King.
The ice cream van arrived, the HSA sold cakes as well as offered the royal throne photo booth and the sun still shone. Happy Coronation Day everybody!