
Junior School


At KJS, we constantly strive to develop confident, enthusiastic and highly motivated learners who are forward-thinking, articulate, resourceful, resilient and reflective young mathematicians.  We expect pupils to become efficient learners by teaching a range of methods to use to solve problems so that they choose the most effective methods.


Useful Links

  • BBC Bitesize - an easy to navigate, fun and child-friendly website with lovely supporting videos
  • White Rose Maths - Our whole school mathematics scheme is aligned to the planning found on this comprehensive website. Super video which clearly explain the strategies and methods we use in our daily mathematics lessons. Weekly homework is set for your child from this website
  • Times Tables Rockstars - A fun and rewarding website which supports the learning and reinforcement of times tables facts. This site is hugely popular with our children and is highly recommended
  • Nrich - This superb site is overflowing with wonderful mathematical problems and puzzles. 
  • Transum - Lots of fun interactive games and activities here which children enjoy and want to return to
  • Classroom Secrets - Lots of lovely free resources to support your child in developing their core skills in mathematics


Planning Overviews and Calculations Policies