Hellesdon Sixth Form

Your Next Step

Whether it's a top university, Higher Level Apprenticeship with a national firm, or employment locally, students benefit from a structured 'Post-18 Choices' programme. This individually tailored programme, partnered with the UEA, allows students to investigate all their options before deciding on the route they wish to take. 

The below handy interactive guide from UCAS should allow easy access to all the Post-18 information you need to help make decisions.

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Individual guidance is available from tutors and outside agencies to ensure every student progresses on to a fulfilling future. Students looking to apply to Oxbridge and Russell group  universities have a bespoke application programme to ensure they are fully prepared for the process.



Higher Education

Graduate Job Market

  • www.prospects.ac.uk – detailed information on the graduate job market, including starting salaries

Not going to university?

General Careers Information

  • https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk – National website. Good information about CVs. The ‘Job Profiles’ contain good careers information about lots of jobs and careers. Young people can contact Careers Advisers via phone, webchat.

"I wasn't sure what to do after Sixth Form when I started in Year 12, but with plenty of guidance from my personal tutor I am really excited about applying to university this year."

Year 13 Student