Acle Academy

Our Governors

Acle Academy is committed to delivering an exceptional education for its young people. All aspects of our provision need to be of the highest standards. Our expert governance ensures that we will achieve our aspirational vision.

Acle Academy is part of the Wensum Trust family of schools. The overall strategic direction of all schools in the Trust is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, whose pen portraits and details are available to view on the Wensum Trust website. Each school however, has a Local Advisory Board (LAB) which has powers according to the Scheme of Delegation. The Wensum Trust operates a system of “Earned Autonomy” i.e. the better the school, the lighter the touch from the Trust is. 

The Local Advisory Board of Acle Academy has recently been appointed by the trustees. It consists of several of the newer governors who have been responsible, along with the excellent Principal and new Leadership Team, in ensuring the school is making effective progress to the removal of the school from special measures. In addition the LGB now has two parent governors and a staff governor.

Governor Pen Portraits

Governance Structure & Responsibilities

Name Gov. Category Responsibility Date Appointed Term of Office
Matthew Arrowsmith-Brown Chair of Governors


Looked After Children

Leadership and Management


27/03/17 - 25/02/29

Stuart Turner Vice Chair of Governors


Emotion Coaching

27/02/17 27/02/17 - 01/09/25
Helen Watts Principal School Principal 01/09/16 01/09/16 - n/a
Jane Bryant Staff

Emotion Coaching

Quality of Education

07/10/24 07/10/24 - 06/10/28
Jason Chapman Parent

Quality of Education


20/04/18 20/04/18 - 19/04/26
Ann Wall Parent

Personal development and careers

Pupil Premium

01/07/21 01/07.21 - 30/06/25

Andy Davies




Behaviour and Attitudes

26.04.23 26.04.23 - 26.04.27

Tracy Scott

Parent SEND 02.12.24 23.01.25-22.01.29


Governors Business, Material & Pecuniary Interests

Name Responsibility Nature of Interest
Matthew Arrowsmith-Brown Leadership & management and Pupil Premium  
Stuart Turner Behaviour and attitudes


Helen Watts School Principal Principal at Acle Academy
Jane Bryant School Staff 

Attendance Manager at Acle Academy

Jason Chapman Quality of education  
Andy Davies    


Governors Attendance Record

Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, Res = Resigned, Blank = Not Required

Governor 30.09.22 25.11.22 27.01.23 17.03.23 12.05.23 30.06.23
Matthew Arrowsmith-Brown (appointed) Y Y Y Y N Y
Jason Chapman (parent) Y Y Y Y Y N
Lisa Frary (staff) Y Y N Y Y Y
Stuart Turner (parent) Y N Y Y Y Y
Ralph Masterson (appointed) Y Res Res Res Res Res
Ann Wall (parent) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Helen Watts (Principal) Y Y Y Y Y Y
Andy Davies (appointed)           Y

Contact Details

Role Name Email Address
Chair of Governors Matthew Arrowsmith-Brown
Vice Chair of Governors Mr. Stuart Turner
Staff Governor Mrs. Jane Bryant

Mr. Jason Chapman

Mrs. Ann Wall

Mr. Andy Davies

A copy of the governors' minutes are available from the school, upon request.