Acle Academy is a thriving secondary school for 11-16 year olds, located in the heart of the Norfolk Broads and serving 700 children and their families. We strive to create well-rounded, responsible individuals who seize opportunities, discover their passions and love to learn throughout life. Acle Academy has a strong academic reputation.
Careers Cafe - Police Last Tuesday lunchtime, we welcomed PC Nairn from Norfolk Police to speak to students about careers. There was a great turn out and students had the opportunity to have a closer look at some of the equipment she uses as part of the riot team. #acleacademy #norfolkpolice #aspiration
20 JanKLM UK Engineering are giving our students the opportunity to apply for their apprenticeship programme. Please follow this follow this link for more information. If you have any questions, please contact KLM's HR team who will be happy to help: #acleacademy #klm
17 JanWe look forward to seeing lots of our Year 7 parents/carers and students there. #acleacademy #engagement
16 JanNorfolk County Council is giving education professionals, parents and carers a chance to have their say on SEND services in Norfolk. Please follow this link to the SEND survey 2025.
15 JanMandarin Lessons at East Norfolk Sixth Form College We're thrilled to share the news that 15 of our Year 8 and Year 9 pupils have been given the incredible opportunity to study Mandarin at East Norfolk Sixth Form and College over the next few months. The enthusiasm and positive engagement of our pupils were truly inspiring. Despite the challenges of learning a new language, each student embraced the experience with determination and curiosity. By the end of their first session, they were already able to confidently speak a few key Mandarin phrases, marking the first step of what promises to be an exciting language journey. The Mandarin teacher, Jinou, stated, "The students demonstrated excellent behaviour and a strong level of concentration during the lesson. It was great to see their enthusiasm and focus, and I'm confident that this will set the tone for a productive term ahead." We can't wait to see how these students continue to develop their skills in the coming months. A big thank you to East Norfolk Sixth Form College for this wonderful opportunity! #acleacademy #eastnorfolk #aspiration
15 JanFollow this link to book.
14 JanStar of the Week - week ending 20.12.24 Congratulations to Daisy B, Nicky, Alexander W, Chelsey, Sophia H-J, Issy, Seren, Bradley H, Freya H, Nancy, Lewis K, Jack C, Amelie, Frankie G, Charlie H, Riley D, Finley R, Abigail, Shay M, Alexander B-B, Mac, Harry K, Lola H, Dylan W and Jacob D for their Star of the Week nominations. #acleacademy
13 JanZine Club takes place on the 3rd Saturday of the month and is a friendly meet-up where everyone is welcome to learn what a zine is and how to make one, work on a project, meet other zine-makers, and share ideas. The club is free to attend and no experience of zine-making is expected! Materials will be provided, but feel free to bring anything you may want to use in making a zine. #acleacademy
13 Jan