Heather Avenue

Infant School


Welcome to the Spring term and our new topic - 'Jungle Fever!'

In Hedgehogs, Butterflies and Woodpeckers classes, our topic for the Spring term will be 'Jungle Fever!'  The children will be going on a virtual journey around the Amazon.  They will discover what lives and grows in the Amazon, meet famous explorers and create Aztec art. 

Our topics are blocked so that we can delve into each curriculum area more deeply.  If you have any interesting artefacts, photos or even experiences your child would like to share which would link to our topic, please talk to your child’s teaching staff to arrange bringing these into school.

During International Week, we will be learning all about Ghana; the famous landmarks and buildings, traditional food and listening to music associated with Ghana.  If you or your child would like to bring in any souvenirs or have any interesting facts, your teacher would love to hear or see them during our International Week!

This term we will also be cooking.  During the term, the children will develop their chopping and grating skills while making Aztec mask pizzas.

Miss Lilley will be teaching in Butterflies Class, with Mrs Hughes, Mrs Farmer (Monday-Wed) / Mrs Gowing (Thursday-Friday) and Mrs Bennett (Thursday/Friday).

Please continue to check Tapestry as we shall be sharing the children’s work and the different activities we will be doing.

If you have any queries or concerns, or if you would like an appointment to see your class teacher, Miss Lilley will be available at the class entrance each morning.  If a meeting is required, Miss Lilley can also be available after school, please contact her to arrange this in advance.

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