Lodge Lane

Infant School

Absence requests

Holidays and Appointments

Please ensure you read the NCC guidance below before completing an absence request. New rules came into effect from August 2024. 

Holidays should not be booked during term time.  In line with Government policy on school attendance we will not authorise any holiday absences unless there are exceptional circumstances for which you can provide evidence.  If you want your child to have time off school for any reason - including holidays and medical appointments - you must:

  • Complete and return an absence request form with as much information as you can about why you want to take your child out of school, BEFORE the absence, with as much notice as possible. 
  • Within a few days you will receive a written response to your request.
  • Please ensure that both your child’s teacher and the school office staff are advised of any Medical/Dental Appointments

We always look at every case individually.