Our school uniform...
- Sweatshirts/Cardigans/Jumpers - Red
- Trousers/shorts/leggings - grey, black or navy
- Skirts/pinafores - grey, black or navy
- Dresses - red and white checked or striped
- Polo Shirts - red or white
- Shirt/Blouse - white
- Shoes – any sensible shoes or trainers as long as child can fasten and unfasten themselves
Our PE Kit...
- Shorts
- White t-shirt
- Plimsolls or trainers
- PE bag – to be kept on child’s peg. School PE bags are available to order from the website below if you prefer
When children are taking part in an inter-school sports event, we provide a school t-shirt and shorts for this
Other Items
- Any wellington boots and a warm, waterproof coat
- Separate waterproof coat and trousers for Outdoor Learning
- Red book bag – these are available to order from the website below if you prefer
- Water Bottle
- Nail varnish and tattoos should not be worn and long hair should be tied back
- Only stud earrings should be worn and these should be removed or covered with tape or a wide elasticated headband for P.E lessons
- Our PTA provides a sun hat for each child, which remains at school
All clothes and footwear must be named
Where to purchase it
Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, book bags and PE bags with our school logo are available to order online from Birds of Dereham, using the following link:
Name labels are also available.
You can either pay a £5 additional charge to have your order delivered directly to your home address, or Birds will deliver the uniform to school and you’ll be notified when it’s ready to collect.
Second Hand Uniform
We also run a second hand uniform shop where every item is 50p. We have a range of sizes and clothes with and without the school logo, and all proceeds are donated to the Friends of Lodge Lane.
Please make sure that all uniform items are labelled with your child's name
For our uniform policy please click here: https://www.wensumtrust.org.uk/lodgelane/information/school-policies