
Primary & Nursery School

Year 2

Staff: Mrs Jones, Mrs Sheldrake, Mrs Chesterman and Miss Hester


We will begin to recognise known multiples, understand the connection between 10x and place value and use = to show equality.

We will build on mental strategies to solve problems, use number lines to + and -, find the difference by counting on and use bar models to show the relationship between + and -,

We will understand remainders as a fraction, know multiplication can be done in any order (like addition), solve problems in different ways and explain why we chose that method and understand the inverse of multiplication and division.


We will begin the half term by reading the text ‘Ocean Meets Sky’. Our end of term aim is to write a fantasy narrative. We will build our story by writing setting and character descriptions, labels, a diary entry, postcard, captain’s log and instructions.

Guided Reading

Those that have reached the end of RWI will discuss the book ‘There’s a Rang-Tan in my room’. We will ask different questions about what we have read and begin to use the text to help us answer questions. We will think about the different perspectives the book is showing and sort and summarise the information.

Discovery Learning


We will continue to learn about rescues and heroes. We will be finding out about our local RNLI, Henry Bloggs ‘the greatest lifeboatman’ and Grace Darling.


We will be recapping different materials and talking about their properties.

We will also complete an investigation about which materials float and which sink. We will discuss why we think some materials float and why some sink.


Our PE sessions will be on a Wednesday and Thursday so please can children be wearing their PE kit on those days. They will need school shoes on but trainers to change into.


Our woodland session will be on a Monday afternoon. Please come to school in long sleeved clothes with trousers or leggings and with wellies available should it be wet. You will need to wear school shoes and then change into your outdoor footwear at the relevant time.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is our main form of communication with parents. We try to post most days and this could be information about your child's learning, reminders or general notices.

Home Learning

A home learning menu will be given out at the beginning of each half term. Your child will need to complete a minimum of 5 activities each half term, handing them in on a Thursday. 


Please ensure your child's clothing and belongings are clearly labelled including their woodland kit.