Year 4
Staff: Mrs Roy and Mrs Attew
General Notices
Discovery Learning
Outdoor Learning
Our outdoor learning day this year is Thursday afternoon. It is important your child comes to school already dressed appropriately – long sleeves and trousers as well as suitable footwear in a bag.
We spend our time exploring our fantastic outdoor space, taking part in a variety of hands on activities and learning new skills.
Our PE days this year are Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure children come in school PE kit wearing school shoes and bring a spare pair of shoes e.g. trainers to change into.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo will continue to be used this year. It is a great space where you can view photos, videos and information about what is happening in Year 4 and across the school. If you require another invitation to join, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Home Learning
Each half-term a new homework menu containing six activities will be given out. Your child will need to complete a minimum of 5 activities each half-term, by submitting this on their Class Dojo profile by Friday each week.
Please can you ensure that all belongings and named (PE Kits – Wellies – School Uniform – Bags – Coats – Water bottles etc).