Year 4
Staff: Mrs Roy and Mrs Attew
The children’s writing this term will be based on the text ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd Stanton. By adding modifying adjectives, nouns and prepositions, children will build on their skills at writing noun phrases. Alongside developing their grammatical knowledge of possessive apostrophes with plural nouns, the children will learn to organise their ideas into paragraphs, finally producing their own myth narrative. Year 4 shall be reading ‘The Un- defeated’ by Kwame Alexander and Kadir Nelson, where they will be discussing words and phrases that capture their interest and imagination, and developing their recognition of different forms of poetry.
This term in Maths, Year 4 shall be working on multiplication and division, addition and subtraction, geometry and statistics. They will begin to use their place value knowledge and their known number facts, to multiply and divide mentally whilst also developing more formal written methods. The children will be expanding their skills in adding and subtracting numbers with up to 4 digits, and decimals with one decimal place using concrete pictorial representations, and formal written methods where appropriate.
Year 4 will be learning to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator using concrete models and images, leading to pictorial representations. They will be interpreting and presenting data using graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs, and identifying acute and obtuse angles. Year 4 shall also investigate lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations.
General Notices
Discovery Learning
This term the children will be developing their knowledge of animals, including humans. They shall be identifying types of teeth and identifying food and drinks that are bad for them, and looking at the importance of the liver within the bodies digestive system. The children will be re-calling their classification skills and using these to group and identify living things.
In History, Year 4 shall be developing their knowledge of Anglo Saxons and Vikings, and using this to identify their struggles for the Kingdom of England. The children will investigate why King Alfred the Great was called so, and the relationships between the Vikings and Saxons.
Within their Art lessons, the children will be producing prints of Viking boats using Styrofoam sheets and ink and will be using ‘Logo’ in Computing to create programmes.
Outdoor Learning
Children must wear long-sleeved top and trousers in our woodland area. If it is wet weather, they should also have wellies to change into. If the weather is dry, they can bring other appropriate shoes to change into. They will not be allowed into the woodland area in school shoes.
This term the children will be developing their Gymnastic skills by working on their balancing skills either individually or in partners. They will also be learning barrel rolls, straddle rolls and developing forward rolls. This half term, Year 4 children will also be swimming on Monday afternoons at Alderman Peel High School.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo will continue to be used this year. It is a great space where you can view photos, videos and information about what is happening in Year 4 and across the school. If you require another invitation to join, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Home Learning
Each half-term a new homework menu containing six activities will be given out. Your child will need to complete a minimum of 5 activities each half-term, by submitting this on their Class Dojo profile by Friday each week.
Please can you ensure that all belongings and named (PE Kits – Wellies – School Uniform – Bags – Coats – Water bottles etc).