Year 6
Staff: Mrs Kerkham and Mrs Henman
Please click on the items below to find out what Year 6 will be getting up to in the Autumn Term....
Maths and English
In maths, we will be focusing on solving problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples. We will also look at how to multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form [ for example, 1/4 × 1/2 = 1/8]. Following this, we will divide proper fractions by whole numbers [for example, 1/3 ÷ 2 = 1/6 ]. As part of our work, we will associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0.375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8 ]
We will also be beginning a unit on measurements, including the use of metric measurements in different contexts, converting measurements and solving problems involving measurement.
The children will also do a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ (DMC) where they will practise and refine their calculation skills. Every week, the children will complete a ‘Big 30’ timed exercise to practise their arithmetic skills. We will also practise multiplication and counting as part of our daily routine and encourage the children to take part in Times Table Rock Stars challenges both in and out of school.
Our English work this half term will revolve around a beautiful book – The Ways of the Wolf by Smriti Prasadam-Halls and Jonathan Woodward. Our work in English will tie in with our Science work on evolution which will continue this half term. We will use the text to stimulate and support the writing of a documentary narrative and balanced argument.
Each lesson will begin with sentence accuracy work where we will develop understanding of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary use.
We have a Reading lesson every day where we study a piece of text together as a class and practise skills which will help the children to make meaning of the texts that they come across independently. The next text we will share will be ‘The Wolves of Willoughby Chase’ by Joan Aiken..
Discovery Learning
Discovery Learning:
In Discovery Learning, the children will be looking at Biomes - they will use atlases to identify biomes of the world and develop their understanding of biomes, including their vegetation, wildlife and climate. We will also complete short studies on: how time zones work; ; lines of latitude and longitude, identifying the tropics of Cancer/Capricorn /Arctic and Antarctic circles and naming and locating the main canals that link different continents.
In Science this half term, we will continue to explore the ideas of evolution and inheritance. We will look at changes in living things over time, the use of fossil records to inform us of the past and variation and adaptation in plants and animals. We will also learn about some of the scientists who have been influential in this field.
Following on from this we will be studying how living things are classified into different groups.
General Notices
Reading for Pleasure
We like to nurture a strong ethos of reading for pleasure in the class and encourage regular reading both in and out of school.
We also have a WAW (Wise about Words) story time each day. This may be sharing our class novel or a shorter book from the class collection.
As part of our ongoing drama work with the WAW project, we will be incorporating drama games and techniques to our learning across the curriculum.
Reading is an essential part of every child’s education. We promote reading for pleasure throughout the whole school and encourage the children to read every day. In Year 6, staff members have made a collection of some of their favourite children’s fiction which is available to borrow from the class bookshelves. The children have diary-style planners to keep themselves organised and which are used as reading records for home reading. We also have a ‘library card’ system where children keep a record of the books they have borrowed. The children also have a space within class where they can write recommendations and comments about the books they have read. We expect the children to read regularly at home and to use their Reading Log as a place to reflect on their reading. Reading for pleasure has been proven to benefit children’s mental health and wellbeing and is an indicator for success in later life. We notice in class that children who read more have a wider vocabulary and more ideas for writing as well as being more fluent readers, which really helps with their learning across the curriculum.
An example of some (but not all) of the books we have recommended in the past can be found in the ‘100 book challenge’.
This half term, the children will be taking part in gymnastics and cricket lessons. Mrs Morrell will be joining us on Thursday afternoons and will lead the P.E. lesson.
Children will need to wear their PE kit on Wednesdays and Thursdays and bring trainers for their cricket lessons on a Monday. They may want to bring extra layers for outdoor lessons. Please ensure that children with long hair, have a band to tie it up with on PE days and that no jewellery apart from stud earrings are worn.
Outdoor Learning
We will not be having Woodland sessions this half term.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo will continue to be used this term. It is a great space where you can view photos, videos and information about what is happening in Year 6 and across the school. If you require another invitation, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Home Learning
The children will be bringing home a Personal Study book this half term. This will replace the class homework that we have been doing (although we may still use the maths and English books). Each child will discuss an area of personal study with their adult ‘Study Buddy’ (mentor) in school. Children will then be given an individual study plan and will check in with their adult on a regular basis. Those children who choose to may come along to Personal Study Club on a Friday lunchtime, where an adult will be on hand to help anyone who needs it.
In addition to Personal Study, we expect the children to read every day and to fill in their reading logs from time to time, documenting and reflecting on their reading. Examples of good reading logs have been shared on Class Dojo and are available to look at in class.
One child a week is invited to make a contribution to the class’s Reading Scrapbook where they can write about a book they have read and recommend it to others. The children have an opportunity to present their page of the scrapbook in our Class Book Club on Fridays,
Please can you ensure that all belongings and named (PE Kits – Wellies – School Uniform – Bags – Coats – Water bottles etc).