
Primary & Nursery School

Year 2

Staff: Mrs Jones, Mrs Sheldrake, Miss Gates


This half term we will use arrays to solve multiplication facts. We will be counting on and back, saying 1, 10 and 100 more and less than a number.  We will recognise and find fractions of shapes and quantities. We will interpret and create different charts and use these to answer questions and solve problems.



We will be reading ‘Grandad’s Island

To write a narrative

To write to inform

To use expanded noun phrases for description and specification 

To learn about grammatical patterns in a sentence that indicates its function as a question and an exclamation 

To use past and present tense correctly

To use capital letters, full stops and question marks to demarcate sentences. 

To use apostrophes to mark singular possession in nouns


Discovery Learning

Heroes and Rescues

We will be learning about

Who was Henry Bloggs and why was he called “the greatest lifeboatman”? 

Grace Darling


Seas and Coasts

Oceans and continents. The characteristics of each continent.

UK capital cities and characteristics of each country.

The seas surrounding the UK



Floating and sinking

We will be recapping different materials and talking about their properties. 

We will also complete an investigation about which materials float and which sink. We will discuss why we think some materials float and why some sink.



Class Dojo

Class Dojo is our main form of communication with parents. We try to post most days and this could be information about your child's learning, reminders or general notices.

Home Learning

A home learning menu will be given out at the beginning of each half term. Your child will need to complete a minimum of 5 activities each half term, handing them in on a Thursday. 


Please ensure your child's clothing and belongings are clearly labelled including their woodland kit.