
Primary & Nursery School

Year 3

Staff: Mrs Taylor and Mrs Norman

Please click on the items below to find out what Year 3 have been learning about…


We will look at Geometry and then we will move onto Length and Perimeter. We will complete daily rapid recall and fluency questions. In all of our learning we will use our reasoning skills to explain and prove our answers.


In our English this half term we will be basing our lessons around the text ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward. We will read the text and look atthe language and word choices used in the text as well as discussing the illustrations. Children will create their own leaflets and also diary entries and descriptions. We will continue to have either phonics sessions or spelling/reading lessons each day. We will have handwriting sessions throughout the week.

Discovery LearningScience and Art

In Geography we will learn about the country of Italy. We will learn about where it is and the countries which touch its borders. We will also look at the seas which surround parts of it.
In Science, we will learn about Forces and Magnets. We will investigate different forces and look at how magnets work and which materials are attracted to them.
In Art we will be looking at textiles and how we can join different materials. We will also have an Italy day which will include food technology including food preparation and how to use equipment safely.

General Notices

Outdoor Learning

Our woodland session will be on a Wednesday. Please come to school in long sleeved clothes with trousers and with wellies available should it be wet. You will need to wear school shoes and then change into your outdoor footwear at the relevant time.


Our PE sessions will be on Monday and Thursday afternoons so please can children be wearing their PE kit on those days. They will need school shoes on but trainers to change into.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo will continue to be used this year. It is a great space where you can view photos, videos and information about what is happening in Year 3 and across the school. If you require another invitation to join, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Home Learning

A homework menu will be given out at the beginning of each half-term. Your child will need to complete a minimum of 5 activities each half-term, handing one piece in each week on a Thursday. There is a homework club available if help or resources are needed. In addition to this, children will also bring home spellings to learn.


Please can you ensure that all belongings and named (PE Kits – Wellies – School Uniform – Bags – Coats – Water bottles etc).