Acle Academy is a thriving secondary school for 11-16 year olds, located in the heart of the Norfolk Broads and serving 700 children and their families. We strive to create well-rounded, responsible individuals who seize opportunities, discover their passions and love to learn throughout life. Acle Academy has a strong academic reputation.
The battlefields trip has made it safely to France and through into Belgium, stopping at our first site of the day, Lijssenthoek Cemetery. Everyone is a little bit tired but enthused for chocolate shopping and the Last Post ceremony tonight. #acleacademy #remembrance #enrichment #france #belgium
29 JanWe are collecting the following items in the Rag Bag bin by the bike shed. - Wearable clothing - Paired shoes - Handbags - Belts Funds raised from this will go towards a new canopy for the quad. Donations of appropriate items will be gratefully received. #acleacademy
29 JanYear 9 Study Skills Competition A huge shoutout to Avril, the winner of our Year 9 Study Skills Competition! Avril wowed us with an outstanding concept map diagram that perfectly blends key information, images, and a clear, creative layout to make revision for the upcoming assessments a breeze. We were so impressed by the amazing entries from everyoneit's fantastic to see Year 9 developing such effective revision techniques as they gear up for their GCSEs. Thank you to all who participatedyour creativity and effort were inspiring. Keep up the great work, and let's continue mastering those study skills! #acleacademy #studyskills #year9success #gcseprep #revisiongoals
28 JanAre you looking for part-time work? Our cleaning providers are looking for part-time staff to work in our school. Hours are flexible, with the potential to work within school hours. If you - or someone you know - is interested, then you can find out more by following this link >
27 JanAlcohol Awareness On Friday, we welcomed actors from Collingwood Learning who delivered an engaging performance and workshop to year 7 and 8 students about alcohol awareness. #acleacademy #collingwoodlearning
27 JanLearner of the Month - December 2024 Congratulations to Edith, who was selected by Mrs. Watts as the December 2024 winner of the Learner of the Month award. Edith will receive a £10 Amazon voucher. #acleacademy #learnerofthemonth
24 JanAn Inspector Calls Some Year 10 and 11 students had a fantastic time watching An Inspector Calls at Theatre Royal Norwich. Their impeccable behaviour and enthusiasm made us incredibly proudthey truly represented the school in the best possible way. A huge thank you to the staff for organising such a wonderful experience and to the students for their exemplary conduct. Well done, everyone! #acleacademy #norwichtheatre
23 JanMore information can be found by following this link.
22 Jan