Acle Academy

Study Support

Hi, I'm Roan Durkin, Head of Student Study Support here at Acle Academy.

As a service area, our main priority is ensuring all students have the resources and support they need or would like available readily to reach their full academic potential. From helping students in their questions about A level or University choices, guidance with homework, or one-on-one subject specific mentoring, me and my service area are dedicated to get every pupil to the highest possible standard they can achieve.
We are very fortunate to already have mentoring programs set up by previous groups of this service area, so our main focus this year will be to expand these programs from reading and maths to other subjects, such as the humanities or languages. We aim to not only aid pupils who feel behind in their classes but provide opportunities for already high achieving students to push themselves further and further, and broaden their knowledge past that of their years' curriculum. 
We're also eager to help build our Academies relationships past just our own school, and arrange more competitions and events with the surrounding high schools, growing our own schools involvement in our local area further, making more of a name for ourselves.
We want to make sure all these resources and support are as easily available as can possibly be to any student who feels like they would benefit from involvement with us, whether we actively come to them or not.
If you have any ideas or any issues you would like to talk about, don't hesitate to email me at, or our deputy head Sophia at

If you would feel more comfortable talking to a teacher, our SLT teacher link Mrs Frary can always be contacted from the school site.