Acle Academy



"English has a pre-eminent place in education and in society." -The National Curriculum

English empowers people. Through the study of literature and language, imagination, passion and confidence can be ignited. We believe that English has the power to nurture better people who will, in part, contribute to a better society.

Our purpose is for all students to thrive in English at Acle Academy. We have a firm belief that all students deserve equality of expectations and we are proud that all students rise to meet ours. With a high quality English education behind them, we know that students will develop the skills essential for success beyond the classroom: political and cultural awareness; understanding people and their motivation; understanding humanity. 

In our classrooms, students will have the space and inspiration to think about their own experiences and link them to the wider world. We achieve this through the design of an innovative curriculum offering which entwines the teaching of language and literature through the study of whole literature texts. At key stage 3, we have chosen texts to excite and engage all students as well as ensure that gaps created by the current GCSE specifications are filled. The books we teach allow students to consider the world beyond the classroom, beyond Acle. They are new, challenging, moving, enveloping and exciting. The study of a whole text, as opposed to excerpts and extracts, allows for a rich and immersive learning experience and provides a secure foundation for the study of the GCSE courses. Although the GCSE course is more prescriptive, teachers have the freedom to select which texts they believe will enthuse their classes and shape their teaching to highlight learning that matters, and will stick.

Across the five years of English study at Acle Academy, students are challenged, supported and compelled by teachers who care, give their time freely and are ambitious for every individual they teach, and a curriculum which is exciting, bold and current.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”- To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


Curriculum Journey & Schemes of Learning

See our curriculum journeys, these outline the sequence of units, and progression of knowledge and skills across a key stage.

The schemes of learning found below provide an insight into each individual unit within the learning journey.