Alderman Peel

High School


The Team 

Team Member Position Email Address
Mrs J Doyle Co-Head of English
Mr J Brailsford Co-Head of English
Mr C Gillen Teacher of English
Mrs S Golding-Searle Teacher of English
Mr S Rawat Teacher of English  
Mrs K Hagag Learning Resource Centre Coordinator


Curriculum Intent

The APHS English curriculum seeks to meet the aims and scope of the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 National Curriculum. Further details of this can be found here: 

The school curriculum seeks to provide outstanding personal development by supporting, promoting and instilling the values of APHS - Ambition, Pride, Happiness and Success. The English curriculum has the following intent:

Value Intent

To provide a challenging KS3 and KS4 curriculum that stretches a child to think beyond what they believe they can achieve. To be ambitious learners.


To take pride in both verbal and written accomplishments. To foster an understanding of the importance and relevance of reading in all subjects and use English lessons to read to the best of their ability. To be proud of the amount written and its presentation. To re-read written work and be proud of an improving level of accuracy and using more sophisticated vocabulary.


To find enjoyment in a book; to develop the skills in all aspects of English that enable students to be reflective learners who are happy with their feedback, marks gained. Happy with their own ability to engage with quite challenging texts that they may have previously thought impossible.

Success To develop an individual’s successful implementation of literacy skills and knowledge and understanding of  both Language and Literature, in line with their ability , thus allowing all students to participate in Lifelong Learning and potentially access the career paths of their choice.


Curriculum Implementation


Curriculum Impact

In 2018, progress in the English element of progress 8 was +0.48 and +0.29 for disadvantaged students. This placed outcomes in English at APHS in the top 20% of all schools nationally. 

In 2019 provisional results, English progress remains positive with the progress of disadvantaged students equalling +0.29 which should also be place this result in the top 20% of all schools nationally. 

In 2019, 75% of Students achieved at least a grade 4 in English and 59% of students achieved a grade 5 and above.