Hellesdon High School

Our Governors

The Local Advisory Board (LAB) has a large number of legal responsibilities, including: to support The Wensum Trust’s vision, to implement actions required to comply with statutory regulations and the Funding Agreement, to oversee the academy’s activities and to hold the academy's leadership to account for academic performance, quality of care and quality of provision.

The Principals are responsible for the day-to-day running of the academy and of ensuring that the policies and strategy agreed by The Wensum Trust are implemented.


Our Governors

Hellesdon High School's Local Advisory Board was appointed in April 2016, upon joining The Wensum Trust.
Individual Governors take the lead on the following areas of the school’s development:

Name of Governor Role Responsibilities
Mark Lenton New Chair of Governors Pupil Premium/Attendance/Behaviour
Michael Earl  Principal SIDP
Lizi Ingle Parent Governor Website/Curriculum
Simon Acres Vice Chair Governor VI Form
Amy Hanton Parent Governor SEND/LAC 
Justine Petersen Clerk Clerk/Admin
Lisa Green  Co-opted Governor Curriculum
Becky Harris-Cooke Co-opted Governor Safeguarding
Trevor Fiddes Parent Governor Curriculum
David Dowdeswell-Allaway Staff Governor  
Mark Lenton


Mike Earl


Lizi Ingle


Trevor Fiddes




Chair of Governors Contact:



Governors’ Attendance and Business Interests

To ensure that there are no conflicts of interest, we will maintain a register of Governors’ business interests, published below.

We will also maintain and publish a record of our Governors' Attendance at meetings.

A copy of governors' minutes are available for inspection by contacting the school.


Becoming a Governor at Hellesdon High School

All types of people can become a governor. No special qualifications are required, but you must be 18 or over on the date when you are elected or appointed. Enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are the most important qualities. You do not need to have a child at the School to become a Governor.

We particularly welcome new Governors who have transferable skills developed at work, or who have a particularly good understanding of the community served by the School. 

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us on principal@hellesdonhigh.norfolk.sch.uk


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