Join Our School
Welcome to our school and the beginning of an alliance aimed at ensuring every student, no matter what their starting point, enjoys, achieves and succeeds throughout their education with us. This page includes information on our Open Events and a range of digital materials to help you gain a feel and understanding of school life at Hellesdon High.
At Hellesdon High School we provide a great variety of opportunities: academic, social and cultural, in order to challenge our growing people every day. We pride ourselves on our excellent pastoral support programme that provides consistent wrap around care so that students are able to thrive, both academically and emotionally. This, coupled with an effective partnership between our school and home provides the foundation which underpins a positive student experience.
Learning is at the heart of all we do. Through our diverse curriculum and high quality teaching, we ensure every students’ talents and abilities are catered for, allowing them to excel but also develop skills that prepare them for life beyond school.
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