Pupil Premium
Schools are required to report on how their Pupil Premium Funds (PPF) have been deployed, and to track and report on the impact PPF have had on student attainment.
The main barriers to learning that students can face are:
- Attendance
- Social interaction skills
- Mental health issues
- Low aspirations
- The need for support at home with learning and home environment
- Behaviour
The Pupil Premium Plan & Review, available to view below, explains how funds have been allocated to improve the outcomes of students who are eligible for the funding. It also explains the impact of each of the strategies delivered through the Pupil Premium in the previous year.
The Impact of Pupil Premium document, available to view below, highlights the overall impact the funding has had on the academic performance of Pupil Premium students at Hellesdon High School over 3 years, compared to non-Pupil Premium students, both at Hellesdon High School and nationally.