
Junior School


Firside Junior School is fed mainly by Arden Grove Infant and Nursery School and Heather Avenue Infant School with whom we have particularly strong links. The school is also popular with parents beyond our immediate catchment. We work hard to ensure that every child makes a smooth transition and settles in well when they arrive. In their last year at infant school, children are given a number of opportunities to visit our school to help them become confident about the change and this includes spending a morning in their new class with their new teacher.

All admissions are managed by the Local Authority.

The usual point of admission is September at the beginning of Year 3. The admissions process is, therefore, for children in their last year at infant school (aged 7+ on 1 September).

The Local Authority will send you a letter about the process in the second half of the autumn term. You are asked to make your preference known and return the letter to the Authority.

The offer of a place is made in April when the Local Authority will send you a letter telling you at which school your child has been offered a place.

Over-subscription criteria

If there are more applications for places than there are places available, preference is given to children living nearest to the school, according to the following rules in this order of priority:

  1. children with a statement of special educational needs naming that school
  2. children in public care who are due to transfer
  3. children who are due to transfer, living in the area served by the school who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission
  4. children who are due to transfer, living in the area served by the school who have no brother or sister connection with the school
  5. children who are due to transfer, living outside the area served by the school who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission
  6. children who are due to transfer, living outside the area served by the school and attend a feeder school at the opening date of the admission round.
  7. children who are due to transfer, living outside the area served by the school who have no brother or sister or feeder school connection with the school

If you are enquiring about a transfer at any other time of the school year, we will be pleased to talk to you about our school and show you around. Admissions are still managed by the Local Authority and an application for a place should be made to them (contact details are below).

Admissions to Firside Junior School are determined by Norfolk Children’s Services. Please follow the link for more information: 



Contact Details

If you have further questions about admissions please contact the Admissions Team at Norfolk County Council:

Admissions, Room 7, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2DH
Telephone: 0344 800 8020
Fax: 01603 223722