
Junior School

School Lunches

Dinner money payments can be made online via Scopay:
You can also click on the £ icon in the top right corner of this website to access Scopay

If you claim benefits, please click here to find out if you are eligible for free school meals and how to register.

Hot Lunches

A menu showing the choices is available in school and is regularly updated on the website with the seasonal changes.
All choices must be ordered by 9:30am on the day required.
The cost of a school dinner is currently £2.55. This includes water to drink.

Not sure if school meals are for your child? Take a look at the myth buster below...



All payments for dinners must be made online and in advance of the meals being ordered.  No cash or cheques will be accepted.


A reminder that we aim to be a nut free school. This is due to severe allergies of some children in our school. Please help us to keep them safe by refraining from including nut products in your child's lunchbox or snack. This includes whole nuts, nuts in cereal bars, peanut butter and Nutella. 

Thank you



Packed Lunches

Our aim is to encourage anyone bringing their own lunch to school to eat as healthily as possible.

So, what should be in an ideal packed lunch? 

  • A main item based on starchy carbohydrate e.g. different types of bread, pasta, potato, rice or couscous
  • At least one portion of fruit and vegetables. These could be separate items or in the sandwich or a salad.
  • Some kind of protein: meat, egg or vegetarian equivalent
  • A drink - preferably water, fruit juice or milk

Also there could be:

  • A dairy product - small cheese portion, milk or yoghurt
  • Something sweet to finish with e.g. muffins, malt loaf, flapjacks 

We encourage a wide variety of foods over the course of a week.
We actively discourage:

  • Savoury snacks (crisps, etc)
  • Confectionery (chocolate bars and sweets)
  • Fizzy and sugary drinks

Morning Breaks

We encourage children to bring a piece of fruit/vegetables to eat during the morning break or another healthy snack. Cereal bars must not contain nuts and should contain low levels of sugar and chocolate. Children are not allowed to eat chocolate, biscuits, sweets or crisps at break time.