
Junior School

A few reminders

All children are invited to come to school on Friday 11 December wearing a Christmas / festive jumper (if they have one). This is not a non-uniform day, but part of the national Christmas Jumper Day to raise money for Save the Children (pay £1 on Scopay).  Pupils will need to wear their normal school uniform plus their Christmas jumper instead of their normal school jumper. If you do not want to participate just wear your normal school uniform. Christmas jumpers can be shop-bought or home-made!

In the run up to Christmas we know that lots of children like to give Christmas cards to their friends in school. This year however, we are asking that children do not give out multiple cards but rather do one card for their class. This can be given to the class teacher to share with the class. This also supports us to reduce the amount of paper waste in school and encourage the children to be more eco-friendly.

A reminder that we are collecting sugar for the Christmas School Sugar Collection which is part of the Buckingham Emergency Food Appeal (BEFA). All bags of sugar need to be brought into school by Thursday. Thank you.