Hellesdon High School


Maths Vision Statement

We believe that students deserve a creative and ambitious mathematics curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which inspire curiosity and prepares them well for everyday life and future employment. Our mathematics curriculum will give students the opportunity to:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and preserving in seeking solutions.
  • Can communicate, justify, argue and prove using mathematical vocabulary.
  • Develop their character, including resilience, confidence and independence, so that they contribute positively to the life of the school, their local community and the wider environment.

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Students will use a range of resources and approaches to learning. Courses are structured around key text books, but the experience of the student in the classroom will involve a range of activities and learning mediums.

The department staff share a love of mathematics with their students. The teachers are keen to enable the students to do well, and work hard to provide a stimulating and engaging atmosphere in which to study mathematics.  Learning the key knowledge is of course very important, but there is also opportunity for extending this to solve problems and make interesting discoveries.

As students progress through the school, the structure of mathematics study will spiral through the maths curriculum – revisiting and extending many key topics, and adding new material at appropriate points. Students should find that their underpinning knowledge is secure and revised as they move on to the next step of learning. They will increasingly find that they can link their knowledge and skills, and apply it to problem solve in more complex situations. This will prepare them well for their external exams.

Maths at Key Stage 4

At the end of Year 11, students are entered for the AQA 8300 GCSE in Mathematics. There is no coursework component. The exam consists of 3 papers, each of which last 1hour 30 min. Students are allowed to use a calculator in 2 of the papers.

In addition some students may be invited to sit a GCSE in Statistics. This decision is made at the start of Year 11. This qualification is Edexcel GCSE Statistics 1ST0.

We also offer an entry level qualification in addition to GCSE for those students who will benefit from using this as a bridge to GCSE content.


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